Gamaliel to Lucius
People Connected to Apostle Paul

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This page lists information on individuals who have Biblical links to the Apostle Paul. These people include the Rabbinic scholar Gamaliel, Herod Agrippa II, the apostle James and John, Jason, Judas, Justus, Linus, Lois and others.

Acts 22:3

Gamaliel was a well-known and highly respected Pharisaic Rabbi, scholar and member of the Sanhedrin. He was the grandson of Rabbi Hillel, another famous teacher of the law. It was Gamaliel's insight that tempered the Sanhedrin's initial judgment and punishment of the twelve apostles (Acts 5:17 - 41).

Gamaliel's religious learning is held in such high esteem that he is one of only seven Jewish doctors honored with the title of "Rabban." His understanding among the Jews earned him the designation as being the "beauty of the Law" (Life and Epistles of Paul).

The Apostle Paul stated he received his primary religious education through Gamaliel in Jerusalem.

Romans 16:14

Hermas is one of the many Christians in Rome greeted in the last chapter of Romans. Nothing more is known about him.

Romans 16:14

Hermes was a Rome-based Christian greeted in the book of Romans. One Catholic tradition states Hermes died as a martyr by being lacerated and hanged.

2Timothy 1:15

Hermogenes and Phygellus were two people from Asia who turned away from Paul. He conveyed their rejection to his close friend Timothy while he waited for martyrdom in Rome. Although it is possible these two men rejected Paul to avoid risking the same fate upon themselves (prison and death), Scripture is silent regarding the reasons they abandoned him.

Herod Agrippa II
Acts 25:13, 22 - 26, 26:1 - 2, 7, 19, 27 - 32

Herod Agrippa II is the son of Agrippa I and great-grandson to Herod the Great. Rome, upon the death of his uncle, made him tetrarch of Chalcis. Agrippa was later made a king when Emperor Claudius extended his dominion (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 19, Chapter 4).

Agrippa, along with his sister Bernice, heard Paul's defense of himself after he had spent two years in a Caesarea prison. Josephus, and other writers, strongly suggests that Agrippa had committed incest with his sister who lived with him (ibid. Book 20, Chapter 7).

Herod Agrippa II died around 92 A.D., ending the Herodian dynasty of rule that had lasted for at least 130 years.

Ancient coin of Herod Agrippa I
Coin, minted in Caesarea Maritima,
with image of Herod Agrippa I

Romans 16:11

Herodion is one of the many Christians greeted in the book of Romans. Evidence suggests Herodion may have been one of Paul's distant relatives.

Hymenseus (Hymenaeus)
1Timothy 1:20, 2Timothy 2:17 - 18

Hymenseus was an Ephesian Christian the Apostle Paul "turned over to Satan" so that he would repent (1Timothy 1:20, see also 1Corinthians 5:5). Hymenseus had shipwrecked his faith through the rejection of his conscience.

Paul's attempt, unfortunately, to encourage Hymenseus to repent failed. In his last letter to Timothy, written roughly four years after the first one, the apostle warns his friend to beware of Hymenseus' false teachings. He states, "Who have gone astray from the truth, claiming that the resurrection has already taken place, and are destroying the faith of some" (2Timothy 2:18, HBFV). The false doctrine promoted by Hymenseus was starting to take its toll among some in the church of God.

Acts 12:17, 15:13, 21:18, 1Corinthians 15:7
Galatians 1:19, 2:9, 12

This James was the physical and legal half-brother of Jesus (Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3, Galatians 1:19) along with Jude, Joses and Simon. He and his brothers were of royal blood since both their mother Mary, and father Joseph, were descendants of King David. James, as well as his brother Jude, wrote New Testament books named after them.

James, Jesus' brother, was one of the last people to see him alive before his ascension into heaven (1Corinthians 15:5 - 7). Paul called him an apostle even though he was not one of the original twelve disciples (Galatians 1:19).

Paul, after spending three years in Arabia being taught by Christ, first meets James when he visits Jerusalem (Galatians 1:17 - 19). The second recorded time in which the apostle talks with James is in 49 A.D. during the Jerusalem Conference (Galatians 2:1 - 9). James, considered a leading Christian in the Jerusalem church, presided over the conference. Paul also meets with him at his arrival in Jerusalem that ended his third missionary journey.

Acts 17:5 - 9, Romans 16:21

Jason was a Jewish convert to Christianity living in Thessalonica. He hosted Paul and Silas when they stayed in the city during the apostle's second missionary journey. Evidence suggests Jason may have been one of Paul's distant relatives.

When the Jews in Thessalonica caused a riot due to rejecting the gospel, they stormed Jason's house looking for Paul and Silas. When they could not be found the mob dragged Jason and some brethren in front of the city's rulers. They were soon freed, however, after they posted bail. Jason also sent his greetings, from Corinth, to Roman Christians through the epistle sent to Rome.

Galatians 2:9

John was one of the original twelve disciples of Jesus who wrote five books of the Bible. He is also important as the person who collected and finalized the New Testament and completed the Bible we have today.

The only recorded meeting John had with Paul took place during the Jerusalem conference held in 49 A.D. John, as the last of the original disciples, likely died in Ephesus around 100 A.D.

Acts 9:11, 15:22, 27, 32

There are two people named Judas connected with the Apostle Paul. The first is Judas of Damascus (Acts 9:11) and the second is Judas who is surnamed Barsabas (Acts 15:22, 27, 32).

The Judas of Acts 9 was the owner of a home on Straight Street in Damascus. Paul (Saul) was miraculously struck down by the Lord and blinded as he traveled to the city determined to arrest those in the synagogues who professed belief in Jesus as mankind's Messiah (Acts 9:1 - 2). After Saul was blinded, he stayed in Judas' home unsure of what would happen next.

Judas, surnamed Barsabas, was a prophet and one of many Christian leaders in Jerusalem. He was chosen, with others, to deliver the decision of the Jerusalem Conference to Syrian Antioch. The conference, a gathering of apostles and other brethren, settled the controversy of whether circumcision should be required or not for new believers.

Romans 16:15

Julia is one of many Christians in Rome greeted in the book of Romans. Although she may have been the wife or sister of Philologus, who is mentioned before her, no Biblical evidence exists that confirms this supposition.

Acts 27:1, 3

Julius was a Roman Centurion in a band named after Rome's first emperor Augustus. He was selected to accompany Paul, as well as several other prisoners, from Caesarea to Rome. The apostle was being taken to Rome to have Caesar (Emperor Nero) personally hear his case.

Julius, although a soldier, appears to have been a kind man. He willingly allowed Paul, in Sidon, to see his friends and be refreshed.

Romans 16:7

Junia, whose name means "youthful," is a woman greeted in the last chapter of Romans. According to Paul, she had been a Christian longer than he had. He also mentions that she, at one time, was put in prison for the gospel just like him.

Romans 16 also states Junia was "of note among the apostles" (Romans 16:7). This could either mean her righteous character was highly esteemed among these leaders or that she was considered an apostle whose life was particularly noteworthy. The likely meaning was that she was known among this group of leaders (but not one of them) as possessing a high level of conversion.

Evidence suggests Junia may have been one of Paul's distant relatives.

Acts 18:7, Colossians 4:11

There are two different people named Justus in the New Testament. The Justus of Acts 18 was a proselyte living in Corinth. He made his home, which was next to the local synagogue, available to Paul as a place to preach from on the Sabbath.

The Justus of Colossians 4, who is also called Jesus, was a Jewish convert to Christianity. He lived in Colosse and was greeted in the book of Colossians. He was considered a fellow worker in spreading the good news of God's kingdom. Paul recognized and commended Justus for being one of the very few Jewish converts who both evangelized and comforted him personally.

2Timothy 4:21

Linus was a Christian who sent his greetings to Timothy through the last letter Paul would author before his death. Roman Catholic tradition states it believes Linus became the church's second "Pope" who ruled over God's people after the death of Peter.

2Timothy 1:5

Lois, a Jewess whose name means "better," was the mother of Eunice. Lois was the grandmother of Timothy, Paul's most trusted friend and fellow evangelist. Both of them began to teach Timothy the Old Testament Scriptures from an early age. The apostle commends the faith of the two women and their role in shaping the destiny of his beloved fellow laborer in the gospel.

Acts 13:1, Romans 16:21

There are two men named Lucius mentioned in Scripture. The first, Lucius of Cyrene, is labeled by Luke as one of several prophets and teachers in the Syrian Antioch church (Acts 13).

The second Lucius, found in the book of Romans written from Corinth, sent greetings to those Christians living in Rome. Evidence suggests Lucius may have been one of Paul's distant relatives.

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