Philip to Simon
Important New Testament People

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This page lists information on important New Testament people who played a role in the development and expansion of the first century church. Individuals discussed on this page include Philip the apostle, Philip the evangelist, Pontius Pilate, Salome, the apostle Simon the Canaanite and others.

Philip (the apostle)
Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14
John 1:43 - 50, 6:5 - 7, 12:20 - 22,
14:8 - 13, Acts 1:13

Philip, the fourth person personally called to be one of Jesus' twelve apostles, resided in Bethsaida where Andrew and Peter also lived (John 1:44, 12:21). It was Philip who led his friend and future fellow apostle Nathanael to Jesus (John 1:45 - 49).

According to Foxe's, he spread the gospel in upper Asia and died a martyr at Heliopolis in Phrygia. When God's builds his New Jerusalem, the gemstone that will be an everlasting memorial to Philip's efforts will likely be an emerald.

Philip the Evangelist
Acts 6:5, 8:5 - 40, 21:8

The New Testament also references another Philip called an evangelist. This Philip, as well as six others, had such exemplary character in the early church that they were specially selected to serve members (Acts 6:1 - 6).

Philip was used by God to powerfully preach the gospel and perform miracles in Samaria (Acts 8:5 - 6). He was later used to preach to and baptize an Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26 - 40) and to evangelize the city of Azotus (anciently called Ashdod, a Philistine city), as well as the surrounding area up to Caesarea. For more information, please see his listing under those connected to Paul.

Philip the Tetrarch
Luke 3:1

This Philip is sometimes referred to as Herod Philip II by modern authors. Please see our listing for Herod Philip II.

Romans 16:15

See people connected to Paul listing.

Romans 16:14

See people connected to Paul listing.

Romans 16:1 - 2

See people connected to Paul listing.

2Timothy 1:15

See people connected to Paul listing.

Pilate Washing his Hands
Pilate Washing his Hands
Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308 - 11

Pontius Pilate
Matthew 27:2, 57 - 58, Mark 15:43 - 45
Luke 3:1, 13:1, 23:52
John 18:28 - 40, 19:38
Acts 3:13, 4:27, 13:28, 1Timothy 6:13

Pontius Pilate was Roman Prefect (governor) of Judea during the time of Jesus' public ministry and crucifixion. He was Rome's authority in Judea from 26 to 36 A.D. He (and his wife) believed Jesus was undeserving of death. Pilate rightfully suspected that Jesus' arrest by the Jews centered far more on religious disagreements rather than a state crime deserving the death penalty.

Pilate, however, was politically astute. While he did not want, unilaterally, to condemn Christ, he also wanted to appease the Jews. He therefore allowed the people of Jerusalem to decide whether Christ or Barabbas would die in the likely hope Jesus would be freed. To his surprise the crowd, manipulated by those who hatred Jesus, demanded Barabbas be freed and the Lord crucified. Pilate, regrettably, released Barabbas and sent the Lord to the crucified.

Priscilla and Aquila
Acts 18:2, 18, 26, 1Corinthians 16:19
Romans 16:3 - 4, 2Timothy 4:19

Priscilla and Aquila were a husband and wife team who taught Apollos about Jesus Christ (Acts 18). They were also close friends to the Apostle Paul. For more information, please see their listing under those connected to Paul.

Acts 6:5

Prochorus was one of the first seven men, selected by the early church, to handle the daily distribution of food to the poor saints in Jerusalem. These men are commonly referred to as the New Testament's first deacons. Nothing more is known about Prochorus.

Acts 28:7 - 8

See people connected to Paul listing.

2Timothy 4:21

See people connected to Paul listing.

Romans 16:23

See people connected to Paul listing.

Acts 12:13

Peter, after being freed from Herod Agrippa's prison, travels the short distance to the house of Mary (the mother of Mark the gospel writer). He knocks at the door while a large group of believers is inside praying (almost certainly for him). The door is answered by a woman named Rhoda who was possibly a maid.

Rhoda, upon hearing Peter's voice, forgets to open the door in the excitement of telling those gathered that the apostle had arrived! The group's disbelief and unwillingness to believe that a miracle occurred is rather striking (Acts 12:13 - 15). Peter is ultimately let into the house to the shock and amazement of all those present.

Romans 16:13

See people connected to Paul listing.

Mark 6, 15:40, 16:1

There are at least two different women named Salome referenced in the New Testament.

The first Salome was likely the mother of the apostles John and James the Greater (the sons of Zebedee). She is the woman who requested her two sons sit next to Jesus in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 20:20 - 21). This Salome also accompanied several other women to Jesus' tomb (Matthew 27:56, Mark 15:40, 16:1).

The second Salome in the New Testament is not named directly in Scripture. She is, however, named and referenced several times by the first century historian Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 18, Chapter 5, Section 4). This Salome was Herodias' daughter through Herod Philip I. Herodias, an unknown number of years after Salome was born, divorced Herod Philip and married Herod Antipas (tetrarch of Galilee) despite the arrangement being condemned by John the Baptist (Mark 6:17 - 18).

Salome's erotic dance before her stepfather Herod, on his birthday, so pleased him that he offered to give her anything she wanted. On her mother's advice, she asked for the head of John the Baptist, who was in Herod's prison (Mark 6). Her wish was granted and John died a martyr for God's truth.

Acts 5:1 - 10

See our listing for Ananias and Sapphira.

Acts 7:58, 8:1 - 3, 9:1 - 26, 11;25 - 30, etc.

Saul was the birth name of the Apostle Paul. For more information, please see his listing under those connected to the Apostle Paul.

Acts 19:13 - 16

See people connected to Paul listing.

Acts 20:4

See people connected to Paul listing.

Sergius Paulus
Acts 13:7

See people connected to Paul listing.

Acts 15:22 - 40, 16:19 - 29, 17:4 - 15, 18:5
1Thessalonians 1:1, 2Thessalonians 1:1
2Corinthians 1:19, 1Peter 5:12

See people connected to Paul listing.

Luke 2:25 - 35

Simeon was an elderly and pious man when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus to God in Jerusalem's temple. Inspired by God's spirit, Simeon gave an amazing prophecy concerning the purpose of Jesus' life and how it would affect the world (Luke 2:30 - 35).

Simeon (Niger)
Acts 13:1

See people connected to Paul listing.

Simon (Jesus' brother)
Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3

Simon was one of four half-brothers (same mother, different father) of Jesus Christ. Nothing else is known about him.

Simon (a tanner)
Acts 9:43

This Simon is famous for hosting the apostle Peter during a stay in Joppa. It is at his house where Peter experienced his vision of unclean animals (Acts 10:10 - 17). It is also the location a man named Cornelius, who would become the first Gentile convert to Christianity, was told (also in a vision) he would find the apostle (verses 1 - 6).

It was no accident that Peter stayed at a tanner's house. The work of tanners produced such an obnoxious smell that it caused them to practice their trade outside a village or town. In Simon's case, it led him to work outside of Joppa near a river (Acts 10:6).

Simon's trade offered two major advantages that God used to fulfill his will. It allowed Peter to stay in a place of solitude where he could pray and where the Eternal could give him a vision that would lead to a monumental change in the direction of the early church. It also, because of the stench, made it easy for Cornelius' two servants and a soldier (Acts 10:7 - 8) to find Peter!

Simon the Canaanite (Zelotes, Zealot)
Matthew 10:4, Mark 3:18
Luke 6:15, Acts 1:13

Simon the Canaanite is also referred to as Simon Zelotes (Simon the Zealot) in the KJV New Testament of Luke 6:15 and Acts 1:13. He was one of the original twelve apostles and the brother of fellow original apostles Judas (not Iscariot) and James the Less.

Zealots were a first century extremist political movement, composed of Jews, who opposed the Roman occupation of Israel. Their purpose was to incite fellow Jews into rebelling against the Roman Empire and expelling them from Palestine by force.

Foxe's believes he preached the gospel in Mauritania, Africa, and even in Britain. It is in Britain where it is believed he was crucified.

When God's builds his New Jerusalem, the gemstone that will be an everlasting memorial to Simon's efforts will likely be either a Chrysoprase or a jacinth stone.

Simon of Cyrene
Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26

Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus. He was forced, by Roman soldiers, to carry Jesus' cross to Golgotha (the place of the skull). Nothing else is known about him.

Simon Peter
Please see our listing for Peter.

Simon the Sorcerer
Acts 8:5 - 24

Simon the Sorcerer is also called Simeon Magus. He was a Samaritan sorcerer who practiced the magical arts and presented himself as being someone who was "great" (Acts 8:9).

Simon, upon hearing the preaching of Philip the evangelist, is baptized. After his baptism, he becomes awed by the signs and wonders performed by Philip and lusts to have them. The Jerusalem church then sends Peter and John to where Philip is located.

When the two apostles arrive Magus witnesses many people receiving God's spirit after they have hands laid upon them. Desiring to have the same power in order to further bolster his "greatness," Magus offers money in an attempt to purchase such an ability. The Apostle Peter strongly rebukes the sorcerer for his vanity, greed and general wickedness (Acts 8:20 - 23).

The term "Simony," used to denote a person who makes a profit from religious or sacred things, is derived from the Acts 8 actions of Simon Magus.

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