Bible Translation Abbreviations
ASV American Standard Version | NAB New American Bible |
AMP Amplified Bible | NASB New American Standard |
BME Bible in Modern English | NCV New Century Version |
CEV Contemporary English Version | NIV New International Version |
ESV English Standard Version | NJB New Jerusalem Bible |
GNB The Good News Bible | NKJV New King James Version |
HBFV Holy Bible Faithful Version | NLT New Living Translation |
HCSB Holman Christian Standard Bible | NRSV New Revised Standard Version |
ISV International Standard Version | RSV Revised Standard Version |
KJV King James Version | TEV Today's English Version |
TLB Living Bible | YLT Young's Literal Translation |
MNT Moffatt New Translation |
Popular Reference
Barnes Albert Barnes Notes on the Bible | Hitchcock Hitchcock's Bible Names |
BDB Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon | ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia |
Clarke Adam Clarke's Commentary | JFB Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary |
Easton Easton's Bible Dictionary | K & D Keil and Delitzsch Commentary |
EBC Expositor's Bible Commentary | Nave Nave's Topical Bible |
Fausset Fausset's Bible Dictionary | Strong Strong's Exhaustive Concordance |
Gill John Gill's Exposition of the Bible | Thayer Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon |
Henry Matthew Henry's Commentary |
Common Generic
Study Abbreviations
A. D. = Latin "Anno Domini." Used to designate years AFTER the birth of Jesus.
B. C. = Before Christ. Used to designate years BEFORE the birth of Jesus.
B.C.E. = Before Common Era (means the same as B.C.)
c. = before a date, about.
ca. / circa = around a particular date.
C. E. = Common Era (means the same as A.D.)
e.g. = for example.
ib.or ibid. = from the source cited in the last footnote.
i.e. = that is; specifically
Letters of the
Hebrew Alphabet
Aleph | א | Teth | ט | Ayin | ע | ||
Beth | ב | Yod | י | Pe | פ | ||
Gimel | ג | Kaph | כ | Tsaddi | צ | ||
Daleth | ד | Lamed | ל | Koph | ק | ||
He | ה | Mem | מ | Resh | ר | ||
Vau | ו | Nun | נ | Shin | ש | ||
Zayin | ז | Samech | ס | Tau | ת | ||
Cheth | ח |
Certain Hebrew letters have variations. They are not new letters per se, but are used when the letter in question (Kaph, Mem, Nun, Pe or Tsaddi) is at the end of a word. These variations are: Final Kaph ך, Final Mem ם, Final Nun ן, Final Pe ף and Final Tsaddi ץ.
Names of
Bible Months
Abib (Nisan), Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Ab, Elul,
Tishri, Heshvan, Kislev, Tebeth, Shebat, Adar