Beginner Bible Studies

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Starting Bible Study

The Best Bible Verses About . . .
How to Start Studying God's Word
What Is the Most Accurate Translation?
Learn Basic Bible Timeline!
Learn How to Mark Your Bible
Bible Study Rules
Read the Bible in a Year
Why Study Hebrew and Greek?
How Are Bible Translations Different?
Basic Teachings of Scripture

Basic Study References

Dictionary of Bible Names and Places!
Definition of Christian Terms
Important People in Old Testament
Important People in New Testament
Miracles in the Bible
Biblical Weights and Measures
Hidden Biblical Waters
Original Biblical City Names
Biblical People with Multiple Names
City Synonyms in the Bible
King James Spelling Corrections
Meaning of King James Words
Errors in the King James Bible
Biblical Quick Reference Guide
The Old Testament in the New
Ten Commandments in the Gospels

History of the Bible

How Did We Get the Bible?
How Was Old Testament Preserved?
Why Are There So Many Bibles?
Who Divided up the Bible?
Are There Lost Biblical Books?
Why Was Greek Used for New Testament?


Who or What Is God?
How Does God Talk to Us?
Where Did God Come From?
Examples of God's Great Mercy!
How Can You Know That God Exists?
What Are the Attributes of God?
Is God Male or Female?
Has Anyone Seen God?
Why Doesn't God Reveal Himself?
Is God Everywhere All the Time?
Can God Tell a Lie?
How Is God Perfect?
Can God Be Surprised?
Is God a Trinity?
Amazing Facts about God!

Jesus Christ

The Legal Genealogy of Jesus
Timeline of Jesus' Life and Ministry!
Animals and Jesus' Ministry
Why Did Jesus Say He Wasn't Good?
Why Did Jesus' Disciples Leave Him?
Was Jesus Created by God?
Timeline of Jesus' Birth
Why Was Jesus Born?
Birth of Jesus Prophecies!
What Are the Different Names of Christ?
Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables?
Did Jesus Ever Say He Was God?
Who Were the First Disciples?
Prophecies Fufilled by Christ's Ministry
Is Jesus the Angel of the Lord?
How Does Jesus' Blood Save Us?
What Was Christ's Greatest Miracle?
Why Did Jesus Cry?
Did Jesus Have a Sense of Humor?
Was Melchizedek Jesus?

Jesus' Last Days

Why Did Christ Wash the Disciples' Feet?
Why Was the Arrest of Jesus Illegal?
Why Were Two Trials of Christ Conducted?
Why Did Christ Have to Die?
Is the Thief on the Cross in Heaven?
Prophecies Fulfilled When Jesus Died
What Was the Cup Jesus Wanted to Avoid?
Was Christ Dead for Three Full Days?


How Does God Save Children?
Teach Your Child to Pray
Teach Your Child about the Holy Spirit
Teach Your Child about God's Plan

Christian Living

What Is a Conscience?
The Forgotten Spiritual Gift
How Should We Treat the Poor?
Becoming a Successful Overcomer

Church - Worship

What Did the Early Church Believe?
Should You Worship at Home?
Preparing Biblical Studies at Home


What Is the New Covenant?
Old versus New Covenant

Death and Resurrection

Can We Contact the Dead?
Do We Have an Immortal Soul?
What Is the First Resurrection?
Is There a Second Chance at Salvation?


The Bible Diet
What Are Clean and Unclean Foods?
Did Jesus Drink Real Wine?
What Is Fasting? Why Do It?

The Gospel / God's Kingdom

Who Are the Least in God's Kingdom?
What is the Great Commission?
Who Can Preach the Gospel?


Is It Wrong to Celebrate Birthdays?
True Origin of Valentine's Day
True Origin of Easter
Is Halloween in the Bible?
True Origin of Halloween
The Devil and Halloween
Thanksgiving without God
Real Reason for Christmas Season!
True Origin of Christmas!
Who Were the Magi?
How Does God Celebrate Christmas?


What Is Man?
Why Was Man Created?
What Special Relationship Does God Want?

Marriage and Divorce

Do You Need a Marriage License?
What Does the Bible Say about Polygamy?
How Can You Build Strong Relationships?
Are Couples Who Live Together Married?


Miracles in the Old Testament
Miracles in the New Testament


Should We Pay Taxes?
When Was Silver Worth More than Gold?
Jesus and the Tax Collector
How Does Gold Fulfill Prophecy?
How Rich Was King David?
How Rich Was King Solomon?
How to Track Church Finances
What Does Bible Teach about Money?

Noah's Ark - The Flood

Did Giants Exist after the Flood?
Was the Ark Big Enough?
Why Did Man Live Longer before Flood?


What Is Prayer?
How Does God Answer Prayers?
The Best Places to Pray
The Best Times to Pray
The Best Prayer Positions
What Does the Lord's Prayer Mean?
Is It Wrong to Pray to Jesus?

Proverbs and Psalms Studies

Who Wrote the Psalms?
Who Wrote the Book of Proverbs?

Repentance and Baptism

What Is Repentance?
Are You Ready for Baptism?
What Is a Baptism by Fire?

God's Sabbath - Holy Days

Learn about the Biblical Sabbath
and God's annual Holy (Feast) days!

Sin - Ten Commandments

What Is Sin?
Can Plants or Animals Sin?
The Three Sources of Temptation!
Are the Ten Commandments Relevant?
How Was Eve Tempted to Disobey?
What Is Blasphemy?

Symbols and Ceremonies

Biblical Symbolism
What Is the Mark of Cain?
The Laying on of Hands

Science and the Bible

When Did the Continents Divide?
Are Neanderthals the Missing Link?
How Does Science Prove the Bible?
How Old Is the Earth?

Women in Scripture

Righteous Women in the Bible
What Role Should Women Play at Church?
Book of Esther Bible Study

Miscellaneous Articles

Why is Love Greater than Faith?
Why Did Abraham Try to Save Sodom?
Who Wrote the Song Amazing Grace?
Did Jephthah Sacrifice His Daughter?
What Were the Plagues of Egypt?
How Does the Bible Define Love?
What Is Grace?