Story Flow of the Bible!

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Bible Timeline Made Easy!
Adam   -   Noah   -   Abraham   -   Moses
David   -   Daniel   -   Apostle Paul
In this last lesson of the series we tie everything together. Using the lives of the seven important Biblical people we have covered, we can now construct a basic story flow of Biblical events and people.

Adam to Noah

(c. 4000 to 3000 B.C.)

Important Biblical characters during this period include Adam and Eve plus Cain and Abel. Important events and Biblical facts in this period include God's creation of Adam and Eve, and his casting them out of the Garden of Eden for sinning. It also includes Cain killing his younger brother Abel and being cursed by God, humans living exceptionally long life spans, and disobedience against God and His way grows as humans dedicate themselves to evil.

Noah to Abraham

(3000 to 2000 B.C.)

Important Biblical characters during this period include Noah, Shem and Nimrod. Important events and Biblical facts in this period include God commanding Noah to build an Ark, the great Flood occuring, Nimrod building the city of Babel (later Babylon) and its tower, and God confounding man's single language at Babel.

Important People in the Bible
Important People in the Bible

Abraham to Moses

(2000 to 1500 B.C.)

Important Biblical characters during this period include Abraham and Sarah, Lot, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob (renamed Israel by God) and Esau, the Twelve Tribes of Israel and finally Joseph and his sons Ephraim and Manasseh.

Important events and Biblical facts in this period include God calling Abram (later renamed Abraham) and having him migrate to Canaan. Abraham's descendants are promised blessings, Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed and Lot's wife turned into salt. Abraham is told by God to sacrifice his only son Isaac and Jacob becomes father of the twelve tribes of Israel. This period also includes Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers and the family of Jacob (Israel) migrating to Egypt.

Moses to King David

(1500 to 1000 B.C.)

Important Biblical characters during this period include Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Pharaoh of Egypt, Joshua, Gideon, Samson and Delilah, Samuel and King Saul. Important Events in this period include the calling of Moses through burning bush, the ten plagues of Egypt, death of the Egyptian firstborn, children of Israel released from Egyptian slavery (the Exodus) and God giving the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai.

Additional events include the Israelites wander the wilderness for forty years, they enter the Promised Land of Canaan (land of milk and honey), Judges begin to govern Israel, Israelite elders reject God and request a human king, and Saul is made king over God's people.

King David to Daniel

(1000 to 500 B.C.)

Important Biblical characters during this period include David, Goliath, Bathsheba, Solomon, Jeroboam, King Ahab and Jezebel, Elijah and Elisha, Jonah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and King Cyrus the Great of Persia.

Important Events include young David anointed king of Israel and his slaying of Goliath the giant, he conquers Jerusalem and makes it his capital, and his illicit affair with Bathsheba. Solomon, David's son, is made king of Israel and soon builds God's temple and the united Kingdom of Israel splits in two.

Events in this period also include the reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah, Jonah swallowed by large fish, the ministry of the Minor Prophets and Major Prophets, and the northern tribes of Israel conquered and taken captive by Assyria. Lastly, Nebuchadnezzar conquers the Kingdom of Judah and destroys Jerusalem and its temple, taking the people captive to Babylon. The Jews are ultimately allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild temple.

Daniel to Apostle Paul

(500 B.C. to 1 A.D.)

Important Biblical characters during this period include Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, King Belshazzar of Babylon, Herod the Great, Zacharias and Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph, John the Baptist and Jesus.

Important events include the prophetic vision of a man given to Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego miraculously surviving being thrown into fiery furnace and the King of Babylon sees handwriting on the wall. Additional during this period, the Babylonian empire falls, Daniel miraculously survives being thrown into lion's den, Herod the Great begins to repair and rebuild Jerusalem's Temple, John the Baptist is born to Elizabeth and Jesus is born in Bethlehem.

Life of Paul

(1 to 70 A.D.)

Important Biblical characters during this period include Herod the Great, Mary and Joseph, John the Baptist, Jesus, the twelve apostles (John, Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathanael, James (son of Zebedee), Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Judas (brother of James), Simon the Canaanite and Judas Iscariot), Mary Magdalene, Pontius Pilate, Saul (later renamed Paul), Stephen, Cornelius, Barnabas, Mark, Luke, Timothy, Titus and Silas, Priscilla and Aquila.

Important Bible events in this period include the ministry of Jesus and John the Baptist, John's beheading and Jesus is arrested, crucified, buried and resurrected. The birth of the New Testament Church takes place on Pentecost, Stephen is stoned to death and becomes first Christian martyr, and the early church is persecuted and scatters.

Other noteworthy events in this period include Saul's conversion into the Apostle Paul, Cornelius becomes first non-Jew converted to Christianity, Paul conducts five evangelistic journeys and is ultimately martyred in Rome.

Previous Lesson   -   Introduction

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