What Is Grace?

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How does the Bible define the word "grace?" Is it merely the fact that God likes us? It is clearly an important concept as the King James Bible records the word 170 times.

Many church people talk about grace and even sing songs about it. They know that it came through Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 17), but few know its true definition! Is it the freedom, according to the Bible, to do as we wish?

When Paul wrote the words ". . . for you are not under law but under grace" (Romans 6:14) he used the Greek word charis (Strong's Concordance #G5485). God saves us by this charis. Since this is the mode of a Christian's salvation, it is of paramount importance and something the devil is trying his best to hide and confuse its true meaning!

Growing in charis

The scriptures say Jesus grew in charis (Luke 2:52), which is translated as "favor" in the KJV. If charis means unmerited pardon in Luke 2, then how could Jesus, who never sinned, grow in unmerited pardon? The translation here of "favor" is obviously the correct one. It is easy to understand how Christ grew in favor with his Father and man. In Luke 4:22 it states people were amazed at Jesus' words of charis or favor to men that proceeded out of his mouth.

In Acts 2:46 - 47 we find the disciples "having charis with all the people." In Acts 7:10 we find it given to Joseph in the sight of Pharaoh. The KJV has translated charis as "favor" here, as opposed to grace, as in other places (Acts 25:3, Luke 1:30, Acts 7:46). It is not clear why some do not like this translation. It does imply that it does not matter what you do once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. However, many believers know that it does matter what Christians do! We are told we must keep the commandments (Acts 5:32).

Why do we receive it?

Man receives favor for two different reasons. First, Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8). Most all of Christendom would agree that this is the grace of God in action (see John 3:16).

The clearing of the death penalty over us is the first part of the salvation process. A Christian is justified (past sins paid for) by Christ's death. Christians can do nothing about their sins except accept this sacrifice. The question is why man receives this awesome favor in the first place.

Our heavenly Father did not favor with salvation the angels who sinned nor is he offering them the ability to become sons (Hebrews 1:5, 2:6 - 10). God favored man because we are in his image. The offspring of any being looks like the father in kind (Acts 17:26, 28 - 29, 1John 3:1). Those who do not believe that man is in the image of his Creator cannot even understand why we receive charis or grace to justification.

The other reason we receive favor is that it solves the grace versus works argument. How does one grow in favor with any boss? He keeps his directives or commands!

Once we have believed in Jesus' sacrifice to pay for our sins (breaking the law), repented (keeping the commandments), and are baptized, we receive the Holy Spirit. We are now the children of the Eternal by the indwelling of his spirit. We have His seed in us (see 1John 3:1 - 2, 9). Now we have grown in favor in His eyes!

True Christians are under the great favor or grace of God and are to be perfect. He watches over us as any good father watches over his children and favors them (1Peter 3:12, 5:10 - 12, Matthew 5:48, 1John 3:10). He even favors them with chastening when needed (Hebrews 12:6, Revelation 3:19). Let us therefore keep his commandments in the Bible and stay in his favor.

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