Sermon on the Mount
(June 2, 27 A.D. to Early 28 A.D.)

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Topics covered: Jesus calls disciples for preaching tour, a demonic man is healed, the Lord's popularity skyrockets, the Sermon on the Mount is given, resourceful friends get a paralyzed man healed, Jesus asserts he has the power to forgive sins, Matthew is called, the parable of the wineskins is given.

Primary scriptures: Matthew 4:18 - 8:4, 8:14 - 17, 9:2 - 17, Mark 1:16 - 2:22, Luke 4:33 - 44, 5:1 - 39, 6:20 - 49, 7:1

Called to Follow Jesus

Jesus, after escaping a June 1, 27 A.D. (Pentecost) attempt on his life in Nazareth, heads to Capernaum in fulfillment of prophecy (Luke 4:31, Matthew 4:13 - 17). The Lord soon calls Peter, Andrew, James and John, while they are fishing on the Sea of Galilee, to come with him on his first preaching tour in Galilee (Mark 1:16 - 20, Matthew 4:18 - 22, Luke 5:1 - 11). The first destination of the group is back in Capernaum.

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Demons Reveal Truth

Although his disciples, at this point in history, had yet to fully grasp who Jesus was, demonic spirits have no doubts whatsoever! A demon-possessed man, while the Lord was preaching in a Capernaum synagogue, screams that he knows his true identity.

"Ah! What have we to do with You, Jesus the Nazarean? Have You come to bring us to nothing? I know Who You are, the Holy One of God." (Luke 4:34).

The demon is quickly silenced and cast out of the man (Mark 1:23 - 26, Luke 4:33 - 35). News of this display of Christ's authority and power rapidly spreads throughout Galilee.

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Great Signs, Awesome Wonders

The group, leaving the Capernaum synagogue for Peter's house, find Peter's mother-in-law sick. The Lord rebukes the fever and she is healed (Matthew 8:14 - 15, Mark 1:29 - 31, Luke 4:38 - 39). Countless people, that evening, are healed and many were freed of demon possession (Mark 1:32 - 34, Luke 4:40 - 41, Matthew 8:16 - 17).

The Lord, after praying early in morning, continues preaching throughout all the Galilee region (Mark 1:39, Luke 4:42 - 44, Matthew 4:23 - 25). His preaching, along with a constant stream of spectacular miracles and great wonders, causes his popularity to spread like wildfire.

Then His fame went out into all Syria; and they brought to Him all who were sick, oppressed by various diseases and torments, and possessed by demons, and lunatics, and paralytics; and He healed them. And great multitudes followed Him from Galilee, and Decapolis, and Jerusalem, and Judea, and beyond (east of) the Jordan (Matthew 4:24 - 25, HBFV).

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Sermon on the Mount

Jesus, likely near Mount Eremos, gives the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1 - 8:1, Luke 6:20 - 7:1). This message, early in his ministry, introduces many of the foundational teachings, along with promises, that underpin God's New Covenant offered to all humans.

"These teachings, now known as the Sermon on the Mount, were the beginning words of the New Covenant. Unlike the Old Covenant, which offered the physical blessings of health and prosperity, the New Covenant opened the way to the spiritual blessings of eternal life with everlasting power and glory." (Harmony of the Gospels, 3rd edition, pg. 73).

The Lord's message begins with the beatitudes, a series of eight promised rewards for those who obey God and adopt certain traits (Matthew 5:1 - 12, Luke 6:20 - 26). He then introduces the parables of the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5:13 - 16). After stressing he did not come to abolish God's laws, he reveals the full and true spiritual intent of several Old Testament teachings such as "an eye for an eye" and how we are to treat our enemies (Matthew 5:17 - 48, Luke 6:29 - 36).

This extended message also includes instructions on how we should perform good works, how we should pray and fast, and what should be our attitude toward material possessions (Matthew 6:1 - 34). We are admonished to be persistent in our requests before God (Matthew 7:7 - 12), told how to tell if someone is a false prophet (Matthew 7:15 - 20, Luke 6:43 - 45), and warned that merely professing belief in Jesus is not enough to receive eternal life.

The Lord stresses that only those who obey and do God's will are worthy to be in his Kingdom (Matthew 7:21 - 29, Luke 6:46 - 49).

The ultimate purpose of the Sermon on the Mount is to give mankind the foundation needed to reach the following goal stated by Jesus.

Therefore, you shall be perfect, even as your Father Who is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48).

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Going Back Home

Jesus, after giving the Sermon on the Mount, travels back home to Capernaum (Matthew 8:1, Luke 7:1). While in the city he heals a leper (Matthew 8:2 - 4, Mark 1:40 - 45, Luke 5:12 - 15).

Sometime later four men, who want to have their paralyzed friend healed, attempt and fail to reach Jesus due to the huge crowd surrounding him. They then decide to climb to the roof of the house he is at and, opening a huge hole, lower the man on his stretcher in front of Christ! The faith of the men is rewarded by their friend being healed and forgiven.

Certain religious leaders, who witness the miracle, believe in their hearts that the Lord is committing blasphemy by proclaiming the man's sins are forgiven. Jesus, who can know the thoughts of anyone at any time, perceives their beliefs and asserts that he indeed has the authority to forgive sins.

But Jesus, perceiving their thoughts, said, "Why are you thinking evil in your hearts? . . . I speak these words so that you may understand that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins." Then He said to the paralytic, "Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." (Matthew 9:4, 6, see also Mark 2:3 - 12, Luke 5:17 - 26).

Matthew, sometime after the above incident, is called to be a disciple (Mark 2:13 - 14, Luke 5:27 - 28, Matthew 9:9). He then hosts a feast for Jesus where he also invites fellow tax collectors. Some religious leaders, who voice their disapproval of eating with such "sinners," are corrected by Christ (Mark 2:15 - 17, Luke 5:29 - 32, Matthew 9:10 - 13).

Later, after an unknown period of time, Jesus is asked why his disciples do not fast but those of John the Baptist and the Pharisees do. Part of his answer includes giving the parable of the wineskins (Mark 2:18 - 22, Luke 5:33 - 39, Matthew 9:14 - 17).

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The First Miracle at Cana
Jesus Reveals He Is the Messiah
The Sermon on the Mount
Confronting Religious Leaders
Preaching, Parables and Miracles
Miraculously Feeding the Masses
The Transfiguration
Training the Disciples for Evangelism
A Final Visit to Capernaum
The Last Trips Before Crucifixion
Jesus' Last Days, Death, Resurrection
Christ's Ministry after His Resurrection