When Was New Testament Written?

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When was the New Testament written, who wrote its books, and when did they do it? What is the first book authored after Jesus' death?

The opinions and hypotheses of scholars vary widely regarding when the New Testament was written or first recorded. Some view it as a collection of fables and myths verbally passed on by storytellers for generations before being recorded. Other scholars believe that most of the New Testament was written before the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D.

In his book named "Redating the New Testament," John A. T. Robinson demonstrates that the books in question were written relatively early. In spite of the late dates assigned by some scholars, it is possible to determine the date of each one of the books. God and Jesus Christ specially selected several faithful, mature men to compose the most critical book man needed, and to make it available to all people, through the power of his spirit.

Only Eight Authors!

Amazing as it sounds, the entire New Testament was written down through the efforts of only eight men! Six of these were selected apostles of Christ. Three were eyewitnesses of his life and ministry (Matthew, Peter and John). Two were the physical brothers of Jesus (James and Jude).

One of the New Testament writers, the apostle Paul, was specially called to serve the Gentiles and for three years was personally taught by Christ in Arabia. The last two of eight authors were Mark (who penned his Gospel under Peter's supervision), and Luke (who authored his Gospel and the book of Acts under the Apostle Paul's supervision).

Peter and John Healing Cripple
Peter and John Healing Cripple
Albrecht Durer, 1513

John the apostle had the distinguished role of collecting all the books extant and completing the canonization of the Bible somewhere between 96 to 99 A.D.

Canonizing the Bible

The New Testament was written by, or its writing was supervised by, the chosen disciples of Jesus Christ. John, who near the end of the first century A.D. was the last living apostle, was uniquely qualified to canonize the Scriptures as he was of the Aaronic (Levitical priest) blood line. We can therefore have full faith and confidence that the original Greek text, as preserved in the Byzantine text, is the very Word of God.

The below chart lists, in chronological order, the date each New Testament book was written and who wrote it. All dates are A.D.

Timeline of
New Testament Books

35 A.D.
Gospel of Matthew

40 to 41
Book of James
James, half brother of Jesus

Gospel of Mark by Mark
Gospel of John by John *

Apostle Paul

Apostle Paul

Apostle Paul

Apostle Paul

2Corinthians, Romans
Apostle Paul

58 - 60
Book of Acts 1 to 13

Gospel of Luke

61 to 63
Books of Ephesians, Philippians,
Colossians, Philemon and Hebrews
Apostle Paul

Book of Acts 14 to 28
Luke completes book of Acts written
during Paul's missionary journeys.

1Timothy, Titus
Apostle Paul

63 to 64
1John, 2John, 3John
Apostle John

64 to 65
Apostle Peter

65 to 66
Apostle Peter

66 to 67
Book of Jude
Jude, half brother of Jesus

Apostle Paul

95 to 96
Book of Revelation
Apostle John

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* Evidence suggests the main body of John's
gospel was written in 42 A.D. The prologue and
epilogue, however, and the finalizing of the text
likely took place at or shortly after 95 A.D.

Holy Bible, a Faithful Version
Redating the New Testament by Robinson