Padan to Puteoli
Dictionary of Bible Names

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Palestine (Palestina)
Rolling, migratory, land of sojourners
Strong's #H6429

The King James Bible uses the word Palestine in Joel 3:4. The term originally denoted only the seacoast of Canaan that was inhabited by the Philistines (Philistia).

Palestine (Palestina) began to be used in reference to a wider area than just Philistine territory around 135 A.D. Its use came into existence due to the Bar Kokhba Revolt.

The revolt, which took place in Judea from 132 to 136 A.D., was led by Simon ben Kosevah. It was an attempt to free the Jews from Roman domination and to reestablish their control over Jerusalem. The rebellion, however, was brutally crushed by Emperor Hadrian.

Hadrian combined the Roman provinces of Syria and Judea into a new provincial territory called Syria Palestina. He named the new province "in honor" of Israel's longtime enemy the Philistines.

Exodus 15:14, Isaiah 14:29, 31, Joel 3:4

See our listing for Lycia.

Read our dedicated article on this topic.

Place of caverns, ornamental
Strong's #H6290

Paran was the name of a wilderness area stretching from the heart of Arabia to southwest of the Dead Sea. It is where Ishmael, Abraham's son through Hagar, sought refuge.

The children of Israel spent time wandering Paran after leaving Egyptian slavery. Mount Paran is also located in this wilderness area (Deuteronomy 33:2).

Genesis 21:21, Numbers 10:12, 12:16, 13:3, 26, Deuteronomy 1:1, 33:2, 1Samuel 25:1, 1Kings 11:18, Habakkuk 3:3

Constant, abiding
Strong's #G3937

Parmenas was one of the first seven men, selected by the early church, to handle the daily distribution of food to the poor saints in Jerusalem. These men are commonly referred to as the New Testament's first deacons.

Acts 6:5

A pledge
Strong's #H3934

Parthia became a world power in 247 B.C. The Empire reached its height of power under Mithridates II (123 - 88 B.C.) when it controlled 1.1 million square miles (2.84 million square kilometers) of territory.

Parthians were some of the many people, in 30 A.D., present in Jerusalem at Pentecost when God poured out his Holy Spirit upon the repentant.

Acts 2:9

Boundary of blood, palm of bloodshed
Strong's #H6450

Pasdammim was where one of David's victories over the Philistines took place.

1Chronicles 11:13

Scattering, cursing
Strong's #G3959

Patara was a Mediterranean seaport town located in the Asia Minor Roman province of Lycia - Pamphylia. The Apostle Paul, returning to Jerusalem during his third missionary journey, briefly stopped in Patara in order to board another boat.

Acts 21:1

Region of the south
Strong's #H6624

Pathros is one of the many locations from which God will collect his people and bring them back to Israel.

Isaiah 11:11, Jeremiah 44:1, 15, Ezekiel 29:14, 30:14

Read our dedicated article on this topic.

Father's life, paternal
Strong's #G3969

Patrobas was one of the many Christians in Rome greeted by the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans. He was likely a member of a house church attended by Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Hermes and others.

Romans 16:14

Bleating, screaming
Strong's #H6464

Pau was the capital of Edom when King Hadar ruled the people.

Genesis 36:39

Small, little
Strong's #G3972

The Apostle Paul, whose birth name was Saul, was born around 2 A.D. Though initially a zealous Pharisee who persecuted the true church of God, he converted to Christianity and became it most vocal advocate.

Paul's ministry ran from 33 to 68 A.D. during which time he conducted at least five missionary journeys. Please see our article on the life of Apostle Paul.

Acts 7:58, 8:1 - 3, 9, 11:25, 30, 12:25, 13 - 28, Romans 1:1, 1Corinthians 1:1, 2Corinthians 1:1, etc., 2Peter 3:15

Little, small
Strong's #G3972

Acts 13:7

Opened, watch
Strong's #H6492

Menahem became Israel's king in 752 B.C. when he murdered King Shallum who had ruled for only one month (2Kings 15:13 - 14). After this heinous act a man named Pekah sets up a rival throne (possibly in Gilead). The two men govern at the same time until Menahem dies in 742. Pekahiah, his son, succeeds him on his throne based in Samaria.

Both Pekahiah and Pekah maintain rival thrones for two years until, in 740, Pekah has him assassinated. Pekah then rules for the next eight years as sole monarch over Israel. Ironically, Pekah's reign ends when he himself is killed by Hoshea who assumes the throne in 732 B.C.

2Kings 15:25 - 37, 16:1 - 5, 2Chronicles 28:6, Isaiah 7:1

Jah has observed, Jehovah sees
Strong's #H6494

Pekahiah, the son of Israel's King Menahem, began his rule when his father died in 742 B.C. (2Kings 15:22). He assumes power, however, at a time when Pekah maintains (likely in Gilead, see 2Kings 15:25) a rival throne over Israel.

Pekahiah rules for only two years when, in 740 B.C., Pekah has him killed in Samaria. Pekah becomes the sole ruler of Israel until he is murdered in 732 (2Kings 15:30).

2Kings 15:22 - 26

Division, earthquake
Strong's #H6389

Genesis 10:25, 11:16 - 19, 1Chronicles 1:19, 25

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Read our dedicated article on this topic.

Peor (Baalpeor)
A gap, cleft
Strong's #H6465

Peor is an abbreviated form of Baalpeor which means "Lord of the gap" (Strong's #H1187). Baalpeor is the name of a pagan God worshipped by the ancient Israelites.

Mount Peor is located east of the Jordan River in Moabite territory. It is the place where Moab's King Balak brought the prophet Balaam for the express purpose of cursing the Israelites.

Numbers 23:28, 25:3, 5, 18, 31:16, Deuteronomy 4:3, Joshua 22:17, Psalm 106:28, Hosea 9:10

Breaches, breaks
Strong's #H6559

Perazim is likely the same location as Baalperazim mentioned in 2Samuel 5:20, 1Chronicles 14:11 and Isaiah 28:21.

Mount Perazim is where David, after being accepted as king by all of Israel's tribes, experienced his first military victory over the Philistines.

Isaiah 28:21

Please see our Handwriting on the Wall article.

Breach (break) of Uzza
Strong's #H6560

Perezuzza was named by King David after Uzzah was killed by God for touching the Ark of the Covenant.

1Chronicles 13:11

A tower, earthy
Strong's #G4011

Perga was a Mediterranean coastal town located in the Roman province of Lycia - Pamphylia.

The Apostle Paul briefly visited Perga twice during his first missionary journey. It is the place where Mark, the gospel writer traveling with Barnabas and Paul on the journey, decided to abruptly abandon them and go back to Jerusalem.

Acts 13:13 - 14, 14:25

Height, elevation, fortified
Strong's #G4010

Pergamos was located in the far western part of the Asia Minor Roman province of Asia. The church at Permagos is one of Revelation's seven churches who garnered spiritual correction directly from Jesus Christ. Please see our article on Pergamos.

Revelation 1:11, 2:12

Inhabitant of the open country, belonging to a village
Strong's #H6522

The Perizzites were one of the many peoples who opposed the children of Israel taking control of Canaan.

Genesis 15:20, 34:30, Exodus 3:8, 17, 23:23, Deuteronomy 7:1, 20:17, Joshua 3:10, 12:8, 17:15, 24:11, Judges 1:4 - 5, 3:5, 1Kings 9:20, 2Chronicles 8:7, Ezra 9:1, Nehemiah 9:8

Pure, splendid
Strong's #H6539

Conquering the Medes in 549 B.C. and the Babylonians in 539, the Persian (Medo-Persian) empire is considered the most powerful of the ancient empires. At its peak, it controlled more than 2.9 million square miles (7.5 million square kilometers) of land and spanned three continents (Asia, Africa and Europe). Read our dedicated article on this topic

2Chronicles 36:20 - 23, Ezra 1:1 - 8, 3:7, 4:3 - 24, 6:14, 7:1, 9:9, Esther 1:3, 14, 18, 10:2, Ezekiel 27:10, 38:5, Daniel 8:20, 10:1, 13, 20, 11:2

A Persian woman
Strong's #G4069

Persis was an important woman in Rome greeted by the Apostle Paul in the last chapter of Romans. The apostle stated she was greatly beloved and had worked hard to serve fellow Christians.

Romans 16:12

Peter (Simon Peter)
A stone
Strong's #G4074

Peter, the brother of Andrew, was the third person Jesus personally called to be one of his disciples. Both he and his brother Andrew, who lived in Bethsaida (John 1:44), worked together as fishermen (Matthew 4:18 - 20, Mark 1:16 - 18). At the time of his calling Peter, whose original name was Simon, was married (Mark 1:29 - 31).

Peter was one of only three witnesses to Jesus' transfiguration (the other two being James and John, Matthew 17). He also walked on water with Jesus (Matthew 14) and denied him three times just before the crucifixion (Matthew 26). He wrote two books that were included in the New Testament.

Matthew 4, 8, 10, Mark 3, 5, 8, 9, etc., Galatians 1:18, 2:7 - 14, 1Corinthians 1:12, 3:22, 9:5, 15:5, 1Peter 1:1, 2Peter 1:1, 3:15 - 16

Freed by Jehovah, Jah has opened
Strong's #H6611

Four Old Testament men were named Pethahiah, three of which were Levitical priests.

1Chronicles 24:16, Ezra 10:23, Nehemiah 9:5, 11:24

Strong's #H6557

Genesis 38:29, 46:12, Numbers 26:20 - 21, Ruth 4:12, 18, 1Chronicles 2:4 - 5, 4:1, 9:4

A (religious) separatist
Strong's #G5330

The Pharisees were one of the most influential religious groups during the New Testament period. Their most respected teacher, Gamaliel, taught the young Saul (Paul) who grew to be a zealous Pharisees and persecutor of the early church. Read our dedicated article on the Pharisees.

Matthew 3:7, 5:20, 9:11, 34, 12:2 - 38, 15:1 - 12, 16:1 - 12, 19:3, 21:45, 22:15 - 41, 23:2 - 26, etc.

Rushing, rapid, swift
Strong's #H6554

Pharpar, along with the Abana, were two Biblical rivers near Damascus. The Pharpar river begins near Mount Hermon then travels eastward toward Damascus to flow roughly ten miles south of the city.

2Kings 5:12

Phebe (Phoebe)
Radiant, bright
Strong's #G5402

Phoebe is spelled Phebe in the King James New Testament.

Phoebe was a female leader in the Christian church at Cenchrea. Paul commends her help not only to him but also to the rest of the church.

Romans 16:1 - 2

Brotherly love
Strong's #G5359

The city of Philadelphia was located in the far western part of the Asia Minor Roman province of Asia. The church, one of the seven mentioned in Revelation, receives a spiritual assessment directly from Jesus Christ. Please see our article on Philadelphia.

Revelation 1:11, 3:7

One who kisses, friendly
Strong's #G5371

Philemon was a Christian living in Colosse who was a friend and helper of Paul. Every Sabbath he hosted a house church where believers came together to worship God and discuss Scripture (Philemon 1:2).

Philemon 1:1

Amiable, beloved
Strong's #G5372

Philetus was a false teacher who, along with Hymenseus, promoted the heretical belief that the resurrection from the dead had already took place. According to one Biblical commentary, this teaching was a Gnostic heresy held by the Nicolaitans. Paul felt it necessary to warn his friend Timothy, in his last letter, to be wary of such false doctrines.

2Timothy 2:17 - 18

Lover (fond) of horses
Strong's #G5376

Two Philips are mentioned in the New Testament. The first was one of the twelve apostles. The second, also known as Philip the Evangelist, was one of the leaders of the early New Testament church. Please visit the links below for more information.

Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14, John 1:43 - 50, 6:5 - 7, 12:20 - 22, 14:8 - 13, Acts 1:13, 21:8

Read our dedicated article on this topic.

Strong's #H6430

Please see our article on who are the Philistines.

Genesis 21:32 - 34, 26:1 - 18, Exodus 13:17, 23:31, Joshua 13:2 - 3, Judges 3:3, 31, 10:6 - 11, 13:1 - 5, 14:1 - 4, 15:3 - 20, 16:5 - 30, 1Samuel 4:1 - 17, 5:1 - 11, 6:1 - 21, etc.

Fond of words, talkative, lover of the Word
Strong's #G5378

Philologus was one of many Christians in Rome saluted in Romans by the Apostle Paul. He seems to have attended a house church where Julia, Nereus, Olympas and others met each Sabbath.

Romans 16:15

Mouth of a serpent, mouth of brass
Strong's #H6372

Phinehas was the grandson of Aaron, Israel's first High Priest. He became High Priest after his father Eleazar died.

Exodus 6:25, Numbers 25:7, 11, 31:6, Joshua 22:13 - 32, 24:33, Judges 20:28, 1Samuel 1:3, 3:24, 4:4 - 19, 14:3, 1Chronicles 6:4, 50, 9:20, Ezra 7:5, 8:2, 33, Psalm 106:30

Burning, blazing
Strong's #G5393

Phlegon was one of many Christians in Rome greeted by the Apostle Paul in the last chapter of Romans. He was likely a member of a house church.

Romans 16:14

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Read our dedicated article on this topic.

Dry, barren
Strong's #G5435

Phrygia was an Asia Minor area that straddled the Roman provinces of Asia and Galatia. People from this region were in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost in 30 A.D.

The Apostle Paul travelled through Phrygia during his second and third missionary journeys.

Acts 2:10, 16:6, 18:23, 1Timothy 6:21 (end notes)

Phurah (Purah)
Bough, follage
Strong's #H6513

Phurah was the name of Gideon's servant who accompanied him on a secret mission to visit the Midianite camp.

Judges 7:10 - 11

Fugitive, a little fugitive
Strong's #G5436

Both Phygellus and Hermogenes were Christians from Asia who turned away from the Apostle Paul. The apostle conveyed their rejection to his close friend Timothy while he waited for martyrdom in Rome.

2Timothy 1:15

Mouth of loathing
Strong's #H6364

Pibeseth was the name of an Egyptian city God punished for her many sins.

Ezekiel 30:17

Place where sedge grows, mouth of the gorges
Strong's #H6367

Pihahiroth is the place where the children of Israel, under Moses, camped just before crossing the Red Sea.

Exodus 14:2, 9, Numbers 33:7 - 8

Pilate (Pontius Pilate)
Strong's #G4194, #G4091

Pontius means "of the sea" or "bridged" (Strong's #G4194) while Pilate means "firm" or "armed with a spear" (Strong's #G4091). Pontius Pilate was the Roman Prefect over Judea from 26 to 36 A.D. He approved of and ordered the death penalty be carried out against Jesus Christ in 30 A.D.

Proof that Pilate governed for Rome in Judea was found in 1961. A carved limestone block called the Pilate Stone was discovered in Caesarea which not only listed his name but also labeled him the Prefect of the province.

Matthew 27:2, 57 - 58, Mark 15:43 - 45, Luke 3:1, 13:1, 23:52, John 18:28 - 40, 19:38, Acts 3:13, 4:27, 13:28, 1Timothy 6:13

Read our dedicated article on this topic.

Strong's #G4099

The region of Pisidia is located within the Asia Minor Roman province of Galatia. The region's most well-known city, Antioch (Pisidian Antioch), was evangelized by the Apostle Paul during each of his first three missionary journeys.

Acts 13:14, 14:24

Strong's #H6376

Pison is the name of one of the four rivers (the others being Gihon, Hiddekel and Euphrates) that split off of the main stream that watered the Garden of Eden. According to the Bible, the river ran through the land of Havilah which was known for its high quality gold and precious gemstones.

Genesis 2:11

City of Justice
Strong's #H6619

Pithom was one of the treasure cities the children of Israel were forced into building for Egypt's Pharaoh.

Exodus 1:11

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Read our dedicated article on this topic.

Belonging to the sun
Strong's #H6318

Potiphar was one of Pharaoh's officers and the man who bought Joseph, as a slave, from a group of traders. Joseph was initially sold into slavery by his brothers who envied him (Genesis 37).

Genesis 37:36, 39:1

Priscilla (Prisca)
Ancient, little Prisca
Strong's #G4252

Priscilla is spelling Prisca in the King James version of 2Timothy 4:19.

Aquila and his wife Priscilla were Christians who had their own business and frequently traveled. They were tent makers just like the Apostle Paul and meet him for the first time in Corinth toward the end of his second missionary journey (Acts 18). The couple had previously resided in Rome but were kicked out, along with other Jews and Christians, by Claudius Caesar.

Acts 18:2, 18, 26, 1Corinthians 16:19, Romans 16:3 - 4, 2Timothy 4:19

Leader of the chorus, before the dance
Strong's #G4402

Prochorus was one of the first seven men, selected by the early church, to handle the daily distribution of food to the poor saints in Jerusalem. These men are commonly referred to as the New Testament's first deacons.

Acts 6:5

Read our dedicated article on this topic.

Strong's #G4196

Publius was a resident and "chief man" (governor) of the island of Malta (Melita in the King James Bible). He provided lodging for the Apostle Paul, who was a prisoner, and Luke when their vessel shipwrecked near the island.

At one time some Biblical scholars thought Luke made an error in referencing Publius' title. Inscriptions were eventually found, however, that proved Luke was accurately describing Publius as the "chief man of the island" (Acts 28:7).

Acts 28:7 - 8

Strong's #G4227

Pudens was a Christian who sent his greetings to Timothy through the Apostle Paul.

2Timothy 4:21

Strong's #H6322

Pul, another name for Tiglath-Pileser, ruled over the Assyrian Empire from 745 to 727 B.C. Menahem, King of Israel, paid Pul one thousand talents of silver (75,000 U.S. pounds or 34,300 kilograms) to keep his army from attacking the kingdom (Isaiah 7, 2Kings 15:19, 1Chronicles 5:26).

Assuming a modern price of $24 per troy ounce, Menahem paid the Assyrians more than $26 million dollars (possibly as a yearly tribute) to keep them from destroying the country.

2Kings 15:19, 1Chronicles 5:26, Isaiah 66:19

Darkness, perplexity
Strong's #H6325

Punon was one of the many places the ancient Israelites camped at while wandering the wilderness.

Numbers 33:42 - 43

Read our dedicated article on this topic.

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Series Notes
References are based on the
King James Bible translation (KJV).