Book of Ruth Outline

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Book of Ruth Questions
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The book of Ruth, named after its central figure, is the eighth book in the King James Bible translation. It has four chapters and eighty-five total verses.

Ruth is considered one of several books in the third of three major Old Testament divisions called "the Writings."

Date Written, Author

The book of Ruth was possibly written by the prophet Samuel, in Israel, in the 1060s B.C.

[See Map of Where Ruth Written]

Time Period

The book of Ruth begins by stating the events it records took place during the time of Israel's Judges (Ruth 1:1). The period of Israel's Judges ran from Joshua, the first Judge, who started in 1398 B.C., to Samuel's two sons who ended their service in 1050. The book, unfortunately, does not offer more details that pin down the event dates further.

Important People in Ruth

Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, Chilion, Orpah, Ruth, Boaz

Ruth Chapter Outline

Chpt. 1: Elimelech, Naomi and their two sons travel to Moab. Elimelech dies and the two sons marry and die. Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem. As she travels her daughter-in-law Orpah goes back to Moab while Ruth chooses to stay with her. The pair enter Bethlehem during the start of the barley harvest.

Chpt. 2: Ruth gleans food from a part of a field near Bethlehem owned by Boaz. He notices her and, already aware and impressed by her behavior with Naomi, commands his servants to leave extra food for Ruth.

[Map of Bethlehem's Location]

Ruth takes her leftover gleanings to Naomi who informs her that Boaz is one of their close relatives. Naomi then advises her to continue gleaning only in Boaz's section of the field. Ruth gleans during the barley and also the wheat harvest.

Chpt. 3: Naomi tells Ruth to put on her best clothes so that she might appear more attractive when she meets Boaz, at night, on his threshing floor. Ruth is also instructed to come to him only after he has eaten and to lie at his feet when he goes to take a nap.

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Ruth does what Naomi suggests. When Boaz awakes from his nap, she humbly requests marriage. The problem, however, is that a closer relative has the right to "redeem"or marry her first. Boaz tells Ruth to go back home until he can settle the matter.

Chpt. 4: Boaz tracks down the closest male relative and, in front of ten city elders as witnesses, asks him if he wants to redeem her. The kinsman declines redeeming Ruth (taking her as his wife) allowing Boaz to marry her.

Boaz marries Ruth and the couple produces a son named Obed.

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Judges  -  Ruth  -  1Samuel
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Nehemiah  -  Esther  -  Job
Psalms  -  Proverbs  -  Ecclesiastes
Song of Solomon  -  Isaiah  -  Jeremiah
Lamentations  -  Ezekiel  -  Daniel
Hosea  -  Joel  -  Amos
Obadiah  -  Jonah  -  Micah
Nahum  -  Habakkuk  -  Zephaniah
Haggai  -  Zechariah  -  Malachi
Matthew  -  Mark  -  Luke
John  -  Acts  -  Romans
1Corinthians  -  2Corinthians
Galatians  -  Ephesians  -  Philippians
1Thessalonians  -  2Thessalonians
1Timothy  -  2Timothy
Titus  -  Philemon  -  Hebrews
James  -  1Peter  -  2Peter
1John  -  2John  -  3John
Jude  -  Revelation

Series References

Adam Clarke's
Antiquities of the Jews
by Josephus
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Foxe's Book
of Martyrs
Holman Concise
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Holy Bible,
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Wiersbe Expository
Willmington's Guide
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