Meaning of Numbers in the Bible
The Number 333

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Meaning of Numbers: The Number 333

The overall meaning of multiple number threes, such as 333, 3333, 3:33, and so on, is a little unclear in Scripture. They, however, do play a role in God's covenant with Abraham, Israel's possession of the Promised Land and Jesus' relationship with his physical family. Three also plays a role in the Trinity doctrine.

Timeline of Peter's Life and Ministry!

Multiple threes (333) are used in Biblical discussions of the Promised Land. Although the phrase "land flowing with milk and honey" is referenced three times previously (Exodus 3:8, 17, 13:5), Exodus 33:3 (333) is the first time God commands the Israelites to begin their journey to their inheritance. The phrase "milk and honey," used twenty times in the Old Testament, describes the exceptional fertility and beauty of the land God promised.

Multiple occurrences of threes also reveal the only proof Jesus offered to Jewish religious leaders testifying that he was the prophesied Messiah.

For just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale THREE days and THREE nights, in like manner the Son of man shall be in the heart of the earth THREE days and THREE nights (Matthew 12:40).

Appearances of Multiple Number Threes

In Ezekiel's day, many people loved to hear him speak and teach about God (Ezekiel 33:30 - 31). The problem was that although they heard his messages, and were entertained by them, they did not practice what they were told. They continued to disobey the Lord and live the same self-centered lifestyle as everyone else.

The 33rd verse of Ezekiel 33 (3333) is God's declaration that a day of reckoning will come to all those who pretend to love the Lord but deny him in their hearts and in their works.

And when this (the prophecies and teachings Ezekiel pronounced) comes to pass; (behold, it will come) then they shall know that a prophet has been among them (Ezekiel 33:33).

Multiple number threes (333) play a critical role in Israel's destiny and the blessings the world would receive through Abraham.

God, when Abraham is 85, establishes his first covenant with him (Genesis 15). After receiving the promise to make his seed as numerous as the stars and give him (and his descendants) the Promised Land, Abraham asks how he will know he will receive it (verse 8). The Lord's 333 related proof of his intent begins with the following.

Take Me a heifer of THREE years old, and a she-goat of THREE years old, and a ram of THREE years old . . . (Genesis 15:9).

Abraham took the animals, cut them in half (except for the birds) and placed them on the ground such that there was a path between the pieces. After sunset, God confirmed his covenantal promises by having his presence, in the form of a "smoking furnace and a burning lamp" (Genesis 15:17), travel down the path.

Multiple threes (333) are also tied to God's command for Israel to set up cities of refuge upon taking possession of the Promised Land. These locations offered a place where those who killed a person would be protected from revenge until it could be determined whether the death was accidental or intentional.

The Israelites first divided the land they inherited into three parts running north to south (Deuteronomy 19:3). They then designated three refuge cities east of the Jordan River (Golan, Ramoth-Gilead and Bezer) and three west of it (Kedesh, Shechem, and Hebron, see verse 9) for 333. The cities were selected so that any Israelite could flee to them in a day or less.

Number 333 and Errors

1John 5:7, used by some Christians as "proof" that God is a Trinity, is a spurious addition to the KJV Bible. The erroneous verse, which states the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost bear record in heaven, is not found in the overwhelming majority of the New Testament Greek manuscripts. The three things, however, that confirmed Jesus was God's son and the Messiah (the Spirit, water, blood), found in verse 8, is an inspired statement.

Adam Clarke's Commentary, Scofield Reference Notes and other study aids admit 1John 5:7 is an uninspired addition to the KJV. Modern Bibles such as the NIV, Holman Christian Standard, HBFV, NASB and others completely omit the text found in the KJV's text of 1John 5:7. The truth is that the Godhead is not triune in nature but rather is currently composed of two Beings.

King David's Punishment

The number 333 plays an unusual role in an event that took place when David was king over Israel.

David, enticed by Satan the devil (1Chronicles 21:1), wants to conduct a census to count all the potential fighting men in Israel. When he asks Joab, the head of his army, to oversee this task he is warned that the act would be foolish and bring condemnation upon the people. Unconvinced by Joab's words, David goes ahead and has the census carried out anyway (verses 2 - 5).

God, as Joab warned, is displeased about the census and sends a man named Gad to the king. David is told to choose one of three options, each involving the number 3 for 333, for how the Lord should punish him for his sin.

Either three years of famine, or three months to be swept away before your foes, while the sword of your enemies overtakes you, or else three days of the sword of the Lord (333), even the plague in the land, and the angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the border of Israel (1Chronicles 21:12, HBFV).

David chooses the third of the three options.

And David said to Gad, "I am in great distress. Let me fall now into the hand of the Lord, for His mercies are very great. But do not let me fall into the hand of man." (1Chronicles 21:13).

Seventy thousand men are killed in Israel before the death angel is stopped in a location that would later be used for God's temple (1Chronicles 21:28 - 22:1).

More Info on Biblical Meaning of 333

333 is the product of 3 x 3 (3 squared) x 37. Both 3 and 37 are prime numbers.

Multiple threes (333) are linked to one of the major proofs that Jesus was a Jew. The book of Luke records that he can trace his lineage, through Mary, back to Judah from whom we get the shortened reference "Jew."

The son of Aminadab, the son of Aram, the son of Esrom, the son of Phares, the son of Juda (or Judah, Luke 3:33).

The number 333 also tells us Jesus' divine attitude toward his physical family like his mother and siblings. While he acknowledged such connections (Mark 3:33), he considered all those who obey God as his true family (verses 34 - 35).

The Hebrew word sadeh (Strong's Concordance #H7704) is the only original language word in the Bible that is written 333 times. It is recorded the most in Genesis (48 times) followed by Jeremiah (27) and Ezekiel (26). The word can mean a cultivated field or piece of land, ground or soil.

And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field (saheh), and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof (Genesis 2:19, KJV).

God commanded ancient Israel to keep a Sabbatical year, also known as the land sabbath (Leviticus 25:2 - 6) or year of release (Deuteronomy 31:10). This year was the seventh in every seven-year cycle. Seven cycles of these sets of seven years (49 years total) were needed before the Jubilee year (50th year) could be celebrated.

September 27 in 333 A.D. (Tishri 1 on the Hebrew calendar) began a Sabbatical year. This special year ended on September 16 in 334 A.D.

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Biblical Meaning of Numbers
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Forgiveness Numbers  -  Abraham's Numbers
Mysterious Numbers of the Jubilee Year!
Sevens and the Worship of God
Numbers of Israel's Kings   -   Lucky 13!
Infinity   -   Zero
One Tenth   -   One Third   -   One Half
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8    -    9    -    10    -    11    -    12    -    13
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26    -    27    -    28    -    29    -    30    -    31
32    -    33    -    34    -    35    -    36    -    37
38    -    39    -    40    -    41    -    42    -    43
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1112   -   1122   -   1144   -   1212   -   1222
1234   -   1313   -   1500   -   2000   -   2222
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144000   -  500000   -  The Largest!
Prophecy Numbers   -   Numerology
Creation's Numerics   -   Further Study

Series References
Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural
Design and Spiritual Significance

Quotes related to the
meaning of the number 333 taken from
Holy Bible Faithful Version (HBFV)