Meaning of Numbers in the Bible
The Number 65

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Meaning of Numbers: The Number 65

The English phrase "threescore and five," used for the number 65, is recorded 2 times in 2 King James Bible verses.

The meaning of the number sixty-five (65) is linked to the leading Israelite tribe of Ephraim. This relationship is due to Isaiah the prophet's words that stated, "For the head of Syria is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin; and within sixty-five years Ephraim shall be broken so that it shall not be a people" (Isaiah 7:8).

Mahalealel, the great, great grandson of Adam, and Enoch, Mahalealel's grandson, were both 65 years old when they had their first son (Genesis 5:15, 21).

In 65 A.D., the Apostle Paul was preaching the gospel in either in Spain and Britain.

Paul was 65 years old in 67 A.D. In this year, he writes his last New Testament book, his heartfelt letter to his best friend Timothy (2Timothy). It is also the last full year of his life, as he will be martyred the next year before Emperor Nero commits suicide on June 9.

Appearances of the Number Sixty-Five

Psalm 65, written by King David, testifies of God's awesome power and his willingness to hears us and forgive sins. The Psalm praises the Lord's generosity in providing a bountiful harvest and increasing our wealth, as well as his ability to offer us eternal salvation.

Iniquities prevail against me; as for our transgressions, You shall forgive them. Blessed is the one whom You choose and cause to come near You, that he may dwell in Your courts; we shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, even Your holy temple.

By awesome works in righteousness You will answer us, O God of our salvation; You are the hope of all the ends of the earth and of those of the distant sea (Psalm 65:3 - 5, HBFV).

Psalm 65 is an excellent section to read during times of thanksgiving or on a Thanksgiving holiday.

The Hebrew word chalom, Strong's Concordance #H2472, is recorded 65 times in 55 Hebrew Old Testament verses. It is found the most in the book of Genesis (34 times) followed by Jeremiah (6) and then Daniel (5). The word refers to dreams whether or not they have a prophetic meaning.

But God came to Abimelech in a dream (chalom) by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife (Genesis 20:3, KJV).

For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams (chalom); they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd (Zechariah 10:2, KJV).

Number 65 and the Millennium

Isaiah 65, among other things, offers prophecies concerning the effects of Christ's righteous rule over the earth during the period known as the Millennium. It also reveals God's plan to ultimately create a new heaven and new earth (along with a new Jerusalem) in the near future (verse 17, see also Revelation 21).

Isaiah 65 also contains one of the most beautiful and well-known passages quoted concerning God's future kingdom coming to the earth.

"The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox; and dust will be the food of the serpent. They will not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain," says the Lord (verse 25, HBFV).

The Grave

The Hebrew word sheol, Strong's Concordance #H7585, is recorded 65 times in 63 Hebrew Old Testament verses. It is found the most in the book of Psalms (16 times) followed by Isaiah (9) and then Job (8).

Sheol, which means a common grave or a pit, is usually translated as such in the King James. The KJV, however, sometimes errorneously translates the word as "hell." The Bible does not teach eternal torment in some every-burning hell for the unrepentant, but rather everlasting destruction of their existence in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11 - 12, 15).

And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he (Jacob) refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down into the grave (sheol) unto my son mourning. Thus his father wept for him (Genesis 37:35, KJV).

O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave (sheol) , that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me! (Job 14:13, KJV).

More Info on Biblical Meaning of 65

The English phrase "threescore and five," used for the number 65, is found once in the book of Numbers and once in Isaiah.

There are 16 words and phrases in the Bible's original languages that are recorded exactly 65 times.

The Hebrew word ishshah (Strong's Concordance #H801) is found 65 times in the Old Testament's original language. It is found the most in the book of Leviticus (42 times) followed by Numbers (16). The word refers to a burnt-offering made by fire to God. It is often translated as the phrases "an offering made by fire" or "a sacrifice made by fire" or similar phrase in the King James Bible.

And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the altar: it is a burnt offering unto the Lord: it is a sweet savor, an offering made by fire (ishshah) unto the Lord (Exodus 29:18, KJV).

65 is the product of 5 x 13. Both 5 and 13 are prime numbers.

The Hebrew word yeor (Strong's #H2975) is written 65 times in the original language of the Old Testament. It occurs the most in the book of Exodus (25 times) followed by Isaiah (10). The word is translated as "river," "rivers," or sometimes "flood" in the King James. Although it can refer to any watercourse or stream, it is frequently utilized as a reference to the Nile River.

And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In my dream, behold, I stood upon the bank of the river (yeor): and, behold, there came up out of the river (yeor) seven kine, fatfleshed and well favored; and they fed in a meadow . . . (Genesis 41:17 - 18, KJV, see also Exodus 2:3 - 5, Isaiah 7:18, 23:3, 10, Jeremiah 46:7 - 8, Amos 8:8, 9:5, etc.).

The number 65 reveals that Jesus actually had two trials before he was finally condemned to die by Pontius Pilate. The first trial, carried out at the High Priest's palace, was after his arrest (verses 55 to 65 in Mark 14 and verses 63 - 65 of Luke 22). The second trial, held around 6 am, was before the entire Sanhedrin.

Only the books of Psalms and Isaiah have more than 65 chapters.

Jude, book sixty-five in most modern Bible translations, contains only one chapter and 25 verses total. Jude was one of the half-brothers of Jesus.

The books of 1 and 2Chronicles together have sixty-five chapters.

Only chapter 26 in the King James Bible version of the book of Numbers has exactly 65 verses.

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Biblical Meaning of Numbers
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Prophecy Numbers   -   Numerology
Creation's Numerics   -   Further Study

Series References
Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural
Design and Spiritual Significance

Quotes related to the
meaning of the number 65 taken from
Holy Bible Faithful Version (HBFV)