Meaning of Numbers in the Bible
The Number 70

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Meaning of Numbers: The Number 70

Seventy has a sacred meaning in Scripture that is made up of the factors of two perfect numbers, seven (representing perfection) and ten (representing completeness and God's law). As such, it symbolizes perfect spiritual order carried out with all power. It can also represent a period of judgment.

Seventy (70) elders were appointed by Moses (Numbers 11:16). After reading the covenant God gave him to read to the people, Moses took 70 elders, along with Aaron and his sons, up Mount Sinai to have a special meal with God himself (Exodus 24:9 - 11)!

Ancient Israel spent a total number of 70 years in captivity in Babylon (Jeremiah 29:10). Seventy is also specially connected with Jerusalem. The city kept 70 years of Sabbaths while Judah was in Babylonian captivity (Jeremiah 25:11). Seventy sevens (490 years) were determined upon Jerusalem for it to complete its transgressions, to make an end for sins and for everlasting righteousness to enter into it (Daniel 9:24).

Appearances of Number Seventy

Terah, the father of Abraham (who was not his oldest son), had his first male child at seventy. Cainan, the fourth Biblical patriarch mentioned in scripture, had his first son at the age of 70.

Israel in Egypt had its beginnings with Joseph rising in power in Pharaoh's court and Jacob migrating his entire household into the land. A total of 70 Israelites started a nation within another nation that would grow to more than two million by the Exodus.

Seventy elders (not counting the High Priest) composed Israel's great tribunal (Exodus 24:1, Numbers 11:16) which was eventually called the Sanhedrin. It was this body of elders that hated Christ so much that they were the driving force in the New Testament to have Jesus killed by whatever means available (e.g. by betrayal, lying witnesses, false accusations, lying to the Romans that he broke Roman laws, etc.).

Seventy disciples were sent out by Christ on a 'training mission' to preach the gospel to the surrounding area (Luke 10).

The Number 70 and Jesus' Parables

The Bible records Jesus Christ giving at least 70 parables during his ministry. These parables, listed by the first gospel they are found in, are below.

Book of Matthew Parables

1. Salt of the earth (5:13)

2. Light of the world (5:14)

3. Birds of the air are fed by God (6:25 - 26)

4. Consider the lilies and amazing flowers God has created (6:28 - 30)

5. They will be known by their fruits (7:16 - 23)

6. House built on a rock (7:24 - 27)

7. The good physician (9:12 - 13)

8. Friends of the Bridegroom (9:15 - 17)

9. New cloth on old (9:16)

10. New wine in old bottles (9:17)

11. Children in the marketplace (11:16 - 17)

12. Wisdom justified by children (11:18 - 19)

13. Kingdom divided against itself (12:25 - 29)

14. The unclean spirit that wanders and returns home (12:43 - 45)

15. The Sower (13:3 - 23)

16. Sowing good seed (13:24 - 30)

17. The mustard seed (13:31 - 32)

18. Kingdom of God like leaven (13:33)

19. Treasure hidden in a field (13:44)

20. The costly pearl (13:45 - 46)

21. Kingdom of God like a net (13:47 - 50)

22. Scribe is like man who brings out old, new things (13:52)

23. The blind religious leaders of the blind (15:14 - 20)

24. Become as little children (18:3 - 6)

25. Offensive hands and eyes spiritually speaking (18:7 - 9)

26. The lost sheep (18:12 - 14)

27. The unforgiving servant (18:23 - 35)

28. The workers in the vineyard (20:1 - 6)

29. One faithful and one rebellious son (21:28 - 32)

30. The evil servants in God's vineyard (21:33 - 46)

31. The wedding feast (22:1 - 14)

32. Vultures and the carcase (24:28)

33. Fig tree seasons like seasons of prophecy (24:32 - 35)

34. The watchful servants (24:42 - 51)

35. The Ten Virgins (25:1 - 13)

36. The talents (25:14 - 30)

37. Separating Sheep and Goats (25:31 - 46)

Book of Mark Parables

1. The growing seed (4:26 - 29)

Book of Luke Parables

1. Creditor owed by two people (7:40 - 47)

2. Good Samaritan (10:30 - 37)

3. A friend needs food at midnight (11:5 - 8)

4. Ask and it shall be given (11:9 - 10)

5. The giver of good gifts (11:11 - 13)

6. The rich fool (12:16 - 22)

7. Life is more than food and the body more than clothes (12:22 - 24)

8. Barren fig tree (13:6 - 9)

9. Narrow gate of salvation (13:24)

10. Master refuses to open door of those who knock (13:25 - 30)

11. Be humble (14:8 - 14)

12. Cost of discipleship (14:26 - 33)

13. The lost coin (15:8 - 10)

14. Prodigal son (15:11 - 32)

15. The Unjust Steward (16:1 - 9)

16. Lazarus and the Rich man (16:19 - 31)

17. Mustard seed faith (17:6)

18. Unprofitable servant (17:7 - 10)

19. The widow and the Judge (18:2 - 8)

20. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (18:10 - 14)

21. Nobleman pays his ten servants (19:12 - 27)

Book of John Parables

1. The wind is like Holy Spirit (3:8)

2. Fields are white for harvest (4:35 - 38)

3. The Son follows the Father (5:19 - 20)

4. Servant of sin freed by repentance and forgiveness through Jesus (8:35)

5. The Good Shepherd (John 10:1 - 18)

6. Make the most of your twelve waking hours of daylight (11:9 - 10)

7. Wheat must die to live (12:23 - 25)

8. Walking in the light (12:35 - 36)

9. A place prepared (14:2 - 4)

10. Christ is the True Vine (15:1 - 8)

11. Weeping and rejoicing (16:20 - 22)

More Info on Biblical Meaning of 70

The Greek word Israel (Strong's Concordance #G2474) is written 70 times in 68 verses in the Greek version of the New Testament. It is recorded the most in the book of Acts (16 times) followed by the gospels of Matthew and Luke, as well as the book of Romans, with 12 occurrences each.

Israel is the Greek version of the Hebrew Jisrael, or Israel, the name God gave the patriarch Jacob who fathered the twelve tribes that ultimately populated the Promised Land.

And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judea, art not the least among the princes of Judea: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel (Matthew 2:6, KJV).

The Hebrew word Dan (Strong's #H1835) is recorded 70 times in 63 verses of the Old Testament's original language. Dan, which means "judge," is the name of one of Jacob's twelve sons who also started a tribe named after him. When the tribe moved north from its original allotment in the Promised Land it started a city named after its founder.

And when Abram (Abraham) heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan (Genesis 14:14, KJV).

Psalm 70, penned by King David, is a quick prayer to God asking to be delivered from a trial as soon as possible!

Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O Lord. Let them be ashamed and confounded, those who seek after my soul; let them be turned backward and put to confusion, those who desire my hurt . . . But I am poor and needy; make haste unto me, O God; You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, wait no longer! (Psalm 70:1 - 2, 5).

God inspired Moses, in the only Psalm known to be written by him, that a full life constituted living to 70.

For all our days pass away in Your wrath; we finish our years as with a sigh. The days of our years are threescore years and ten (70); and if by reason of strength they are fourscore years, yet their span is but trouble and sorrow . . . (Psalm 90:9 - 10).

The prophet Ezekiel was taken by God, in vision, to Jerusalem to be shown 70 elders of Israel defiling themselves by offering incense to their idols (see Ezekiel 8).

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Biblical Meaning of Numbers
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One Tenth   -   One Third   -   One Half
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8    -    9    -    10    -    11    -    12    -    13
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144000   -  500000   -  The Largest!
Prophecy Numbers   -   Numerology
Creation's Numerics   -   Further Study

Series References
Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural
Design and Spiritual Significance

Some information on the
meaning of the number 70 derived from
Holy Bible Faithful Version (HBFV)